Christian Concepcion Character Design

About the Artist

Christian Concepcion

Christian Concepcion

Christian Concepcion is a 19-year-old who is still attending high school and will be graduating soon. He aims to head into college and seek out an artistic career. This was his first year with CAW and he believes that through the program he has learned how spontaneous his work can be, how he can prepare to make art beforehand through the use of thumbnail sketches, and breaking characters down into shapes.  Christian has always had an affinity towards creativity - he loves to draw and has taken music classes before. Christian also enjoys creating different characters and worlds. His main inspiration for making his character is the idea of growth, how we change as people and see the world differently over time. For better or worse we grow and there is no way of stopping it; we can only change how we decide to grow as people.


Character Design: Filtch

Work in Progress

Filch is a robot that wakes up in a landfill in pieces. They steal pieces from other robots... what I really wanted to feature is how they felt after doing that.


Final Art

I wanted to play a lot with shapes, so I chose robots as the medium. I believe they can show lots of personality through the use of body language.