Artist Statement

Jayden De Jesus

Jayden De Jesus

Social Justice Posters

This poster reflects the world we live in today. I am hoping to encourage people to not wait for other people or another time to make change happen. The woman and her sign highlights my overall message.

With all that is going on today, Covid-19, racism, and police brutality, the world can easily be consumed by hate. I would like my poster to be able to speak louder. I want it to motivate its viewers to pursue vibes of positivity and, above all else, love. I chose an image of a group of people of various ages and races where they are holding on to one another, with an overlay of heart to symbolize the love they are all sharing and spreading.

Inclusive Stock Photography

The Inclusive Stock Photography project was designed to address the scarcity of people of color, multicultural people, and LGBTQ+ people in commercial stock photography by creating professional-quality images of these underrepresented people in a variety of everyday settings, including romantic and platonic relationships, family, and communities.