Artist Statement

Kezia King

Kezia King

Social Justice Posters

We all lean on each other. We need and depend on the people in our lives. At the center of this poster, there are two girls holding hands, showing us their bond.

Hunger remains a huge problem globally, especially among children. This is the case in Yemen, yet a lot of people don't know anything about it. I wanted to show this in my poster with the child at the center who looks like he is asking for help with his eyes. I decided to make the poster black and white instead of bright and colorful to reflect the seriousness of the issue. I made the text bold so that it really stands out and hopefully my audience will gravitate to it!

Inclusive Stock Photography

The Inclusive Stock Photography project was designed to address the scarcity of people of color, multicultural people, and LGBTQ+ people in commercial stock photography by creating professional-quality images of these underrepresented people in a variety of everyday settings, including romantic and platonic relationships, family, and communities.