Artist Statement

Luara Pereira

Luara Pereira

Social Justice Posters

I wanted to convey that in times of difficulty and hardship, we have to unite and stand together. I understand that my background is really loud and vibrant, but the purpose of that is to show that at times like this, it may seem impossible to overcome it. And yet we see hands of different complexions representing different beliefs and views still uniting, it may not stand out as much but the chaos from the back does not stop the unity among different people. When people look at my poster I want them to feel inspired.

My poster represents the struggle all women face since the beginning of time. I believe I speak for all when I say the future is female. We live in a world where women are less qualified than men, no matter her background, her experience or the education she received. There's a lack of women in positions of power and it is time to change that.

Inclusive Stock Photography

The Inclusive Stock Photography project was designed to address the scarcity of people of color, multicultural people, and LGBTQ+ people in commercial stock photography by creating professional-quality images of these underrepresented people in a variety of everyday settings, including romantic and platonic relationships, family, and communities.