Artist Statement

Social Justice Posters

It is very important to support the Black Lives Matter movement, because it’s is very heavy right now in the world, and all of us want to know when all the violence and hatred will end. I combined a lot of images in this one poster, because I wanted to create a concentrated impact. I want people to notice the woman in the middle of the poster, and to see how calm she is. She does not want want any violence The people around her lay in peace or stand in peace. I want people who see this image to really look at it and feel their feelings.

The idea behind this poster is to let people struggling with mental health issues or addiction know that they are not alone. People who need help should not feel judged or ashamed to ask for help. There are ways to solve their problems. There is hope.

Inclusive Stock Photography

The Inclusive Stock Photography project was designed to address the scarcity of people of color, multicultural people, and LGBTQ+ people in commercial stock photography by creating professional-quality images of these underrepresented people in a variety of everyday settings, including romantic and platonic relationships, family, and communities. The images I’ve selected include a gay and lesbian artists circle on the Big Island of Hawaii, a barista of Dominican descent at a barista competition in Inwood, and three CAW youth apprentices at the unveiling of their mural at PAL Harlem Center.