Artist Statement

Victoria Jaimes-Ocampo

Victoria Jaimes-Ocampo

Social Justice Posters

I created this poster in light of the black lives matter movement. I want my viewers to feel a strong sense of justice. My poster has the message printed clearly above the photo of the girl with her mouth covered. This shows how despite everything going on around us, we should not stay quiet, we should not be passive, and we should not stop fighting to make a change. Nothing our political opponents or the government does will keep us silent.

I am passionate about the issue of family separation because thousands of minors are locked away in immigration facilities alone while their parents are detained far away, yet so many people seem to turn their heads and pretend nothing is happening. I emphasized this message by using a photo of hands which look like they are being separated and by including a background of a barbed wire fence. I included these elements because I want my audience to feel empathy. I also included resources at the bottom of the poster for families who need assistance and for people who want to offer their help.

Inclusive Stock Photography

The Inclusive Stock Photography project was designed to address the scarcity of people of color, multicultural people, and LGBTQ+ people in commercial stock photography by creating professional-quality images of these underrepresented people in a variety of everyday settings, including romantic and platonic relationships, family, and communities.