Sydney Nuwesra Design Portfolio

About the Artist

Sydney Nuwesra lives in Whitestone, NY. She is a senior at Bayside High School. She is a part of the Art Program at Bayside High School. Sydney has volunteered at school events, including the auditions for the Bayside High School Art Program.  Sydney’s main art experience has mainly been through Bayside High School, where she has learned many artist skills. She has learned how to draw and photograph. She has also learned how to use many different Adobe programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Bridge, and InDesign. By learning how to use these programs, she is able to edit her own photos and artwork. One thing that Sydney has learned through this program is that creating a character takes a lot of time. She has learned that characters aren’t made very quickly. She has also learned that it’s okay to make mistakes in art because you can use those mistakes. If Sydney messes up on a drawing, she has learned that instead of throwing that drawing away, she can make it into something else.



Final Character Design