Nermen Elkallini


Meet Nermen Elkallini, a 17 year old Muslim woman who currently lives on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Nermen’s family is originally from Egypt, and she is the first generation from her family to officially attain a stable education. Nermen attends High School for Health Professions where she is in a 3 year medical assistant program. In this medical program, Nermen incorporates her passion for arts in so many ways. Whether it is spreading awareness of medical injustices through posters or drawing and using designs to show human anatomy, Nermen loved this combination of art, science and advocacy. This is why Creative Art Works was a great opportunity for her as she continued to learn more about the arts and expand her knowledge throughout the summer. Nermen enjoyed learning new things, like using Canva and Pixel to enhance her artwork. All her life she has seen the world through middle eastern media rather than western media which, in her experience, is extremely fabricated. Western media has failed to cover and discuss the oppression of the people of Palestine. In her posters, she combines art and graphic design to express a the blunt reality of the Palestinians ever since the ruthless occupation. 


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Brian Ricklin